From the recent:


  • The median age in Independence Township has increased 5 years between 1990 and 2000 from 35.5 years to 40.5 years.
  • The population of persons 65 years and over has decreased 3% between 1990 and 2000 in the Township.
  • The percent of high school and college graduates increased between 1980 and 1990 by 11.4% and 2% respectively.
  • The 2000 Census shows 697 dwelling units. 112 citizen surveys were returned resulting in a 16% return.
  • 36% of respondents are 65 years or older.
  • 76% of respondents have lived in the Township more than 20 years.
  • 74% of respondents do not plan to move but of the respondents that do plan to move 8 plan to relocate upon retirement.
  • The most popular number 1 reason for living in the Township was the “rural atmosphere.”
  • 76% of the respondents believe the Township should try to provide public water to every resident and 66% of the respondents believe the Township should try to provide public sewer to every resident.
  • Improving existing buildings, recruiting new businesses and improving roads were the top three suggestions for revitalizing Avella.
  • At nine (9) mills as the real estate tax rate Independence Township continues to have one of the lowest tax rates in western Washington County.
  • Total revenue for Independence Township has increased from $143,319 in 1990 to $227,706 in 1999 or a 38% increase.
  • Earned income tax revenue has increased every year since 1990 with an overall increase of $26,745 or 55.8% in Independence Township.
  • Total expenditures in Independence Township have increased 39% from $143,395 in 1990 to $234,837 in 1999.
  • The expenditures for general government have increased 31% between 1990 and 1999 from $55,417 to $80,395 in Independence Township.
  • Independence Township has spent more money over the ten (10) years studied on protective inspections than fire prevention.
  • Public works has been the largest single expenditure for Independence Township over the ten (10) years studied. The average annual expenditure in this category has been $60,486 a year representing and average of 32.1% of the total expenditures.
  • Independence Township has made no expenditures for debt service in the ten (10) years studied.